Leadership and Narcissism Often Waltz together. Beware of High-functioning Narcissists in the Workplace.
Self-love is critical. But volume turned too high moves folks up the narcissist spectrum. Leadership and narcissism often waltz together. Beware of high-functioning narcissists in workplaces.
Narcissistic personality disorder is an actual diagnosis. It’s connected to those that have an over-inflated sense of their own importance. Often mired in a burning need for excessive attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.
But, beyond a ‘diagnosis’ — everyone dances on spectrums of narcissistic tendencies. Self-love and self-esteem are important, but pushed certain ways, they result in narcissistic traits.
In workplaces, narcissistic attributes are celebrated and encouraged. A high-functioning narcissist is very motivated, often outgoing, energetic, dedicated, friendly to employees (if it meets a need).
A high-functioning narcissist drives a team, or division in an organization. This type of leader does not necessarily create blatant abuse, terror, or constant suffering.
In my experience, it can also be a slow-ish, calculated, manipulation. Until one realizes they have become a frog in a pot of water that has become…